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Beverly Picture“God Keeps His Promises” Ministries 

Evangelist Beverly A. (Bynum) Nicholson

“To God be the glory for the things that He has done!  Somebody ought to tell Him thank you!”

This website provides encouragement to the people of God on how He keeps His promises.  It is my testimony on how living for God pays off and finding favor in Him is so essential.  Sometimes people wonder how I accomplish much and achieve the unthinkable; all because I know that serving the Lord pays off.  People often tell me that my life reminds them of Joseph in the Old Testament even to the point that my husband nicknamed me “Ms. Joseph” similar to Joseph who found himself in sticky situations yet God always delivered on time and prepared him for his future.  He went from the prison to the palace although his brothers thought selling him would be the end.  Yet, God’s plan to build his character through trials and tests prepared him for his destiny. 

If you are seeking a saved mate, employment that will fulfill your needs, career opportunities that will be in the will of God; a healthy and productive family life; improving personal finances, and obtaining healthy relationships, my prayer is that this website will bless you as you continue to live for the Master.

Sometimes challenges in life can beat you down and give the impression that God is sleep, void of present circumstances, on vacation, and does not want to bother with us.  Let me assure you that whatever you are enduring is working for your good.  I know because oftentimes I questioned God and thought that He forgot about me; especially when trials and tests become unbearable.  As the scripture states that He will never leave you or forsake you, He cares and will be there because He keeps His promises.  Why not trust and surrender your all to Him?  You will not be disappointed.  He has the master plan and knows what is required to build your character and prepare you for His return.